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Jacobian and covariance matrices

Jacobian and covariance matrices

Introduction to the examples

The following examples show the use of jacobian and covariance matrices in concrete applications.

Quick recap:

The following examples show:

Note: First execute the code below to initialize some variables used in the examples.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Data
// -----------------------------------------------

// Initial date
cjd0 = CL_dat_cal2cjd(2015,1,1);

// Associated orbital elements (Keplerian): semi-major axis, eccentricity, 
// inclination, argument of perigee, RAAN, mean anomaly (units = m, rad)
sma = 7.e6; 
ecc = 0.001;
inc = CL_deg2rad(45);
pom = 0;
gom = 0;
anm = 0;
kep0 = [sma; ecc; inc; pom; gom; anm]; 

// Propagation dates (2 days)
cjd = cjd0 + (0 : 1/1440 : 1); 

// Ground station (geodetic coordinates)
sta = [0; CL_deg2rad(45); 0]; 

// Station cartesian coordinates
psta = CL_co_ell2car(sta); 

// Station local vertical
zsta = CL_co_sph2car([sta(1:2); 1]);

// Minimum elevation
elevmin = CL_deg2rad(5);


1) Basic use of Jacobian matrices

The objective here is to compute the Jacobian of the transformation from orbital elements to (inertial) position and velocity in the local frame.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Keplerian elements to local frame
// -----------------------------------------------
kep = kep0; 

// kep -> pv
[pos, vel, dpv_dkep] = CL_oe_kep2car(kep); 

// pv -> pv in local frame
M = CL_fr_tnwMat(pos, vel); 
J =  [M, zeros(M); zeros(M), M]; 

// Jacobian of combined transformation
dpvloc_dkep = J * dpv_dkep 

// Note that the result could also be obtained by: 
dpvloc_dkep2 = CL_op_orbGapLofMat("kep", kep, "tnw", meth="c", form="un")

2) Jacobian matrices in conjunction with orbit propagation

Same as example 1 except that the Keplerian elements are obtained by propagation.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Keplerian elements to local frame (propagation)
// -----------------------------------------------

// kep0 -> kep
[kep, dkep_dkep0] = CL_ex_secularJ2(cjd0, kep0, cjd); 

// kep -> pv 
[pv, dpv_dkep] = CL_oe_convert("kep", "pv", kep); 

// Jacobian of combined transformation
dpv_dkep0 = dpv_dkep * dkep_dkep0; 

// Extract d(pos) / d(sma, inc)
dpos_dai = dpv_dkep0(1:3,[1,3],:); 

// Inertial frame -> local frame
M = CL_fr_tnwMat(pv(1:3,:), pv(4:6,:)); 

// Jacobian of transformation: (sma, inc) -> position in local frame
dpvloc_dai = M * dpos_dai; 

// Plot sensitivity of position in local frame to semi major axis (unit: m/m)
plot(cjd-cjd0, matrix(dpvloc_dai(:,1,:),3,-1)); 
CL_g_legend(gca(), ["t", "n", "w"]); 

// Plot sensitivity of position in local frame to inclination (unit: m/m)
plot(cjd-cjd0, matrix(dpvloc_dai(:,2,:),3,-1) / sma); 
CL_g_legend(gca(), ["t", "n", "w"]);

3) Basic use of covariance matrices

Starting from example 1, the covariance matrix for the position in the local frame is expressed as a function of the covariance matrix for the orbital elements.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Keplerian elements to local frame (covariance matrix)
// -----------------------------------------------

// Same as example 1 - see above for explanations
kep = kep0; 
[pos, vel, dpv_dkep] = CL_oe_kep2car(kep); 
M = CL_fr_tnwMat(pos, vel); 
J =  [M, zeros(M); zeros(M), M]; 
dpvloc_dkep = J * dpv_dkep; // size = 6x6

// Covariance matrix for the orbital elements 
// 1-sigma errors (arbitrary values)
sig_sma = 1000; // m
sig_ecc = 1000 / sma; 
sig_inc = CL_deg2rad(0.01); // rad 
sig_pom = CL_deg2rad(0.01); 
sig_gom = CL_deg2rad(0.01); 
sig_anm = CL_deg2rad(0.1); // <=> ~12 km (tangential axis)

// Diagonal covariance matrix
cov_kep = diag([sig_sma, sig_ecc, sig_inc, sig_pom, sig_gom, sig_anm].^2) 

// Covariance of position/velocity errors in local frame
cov_pvloc = dpvloc_dkep * cov_kep * dpvloc_dkep' 

// Standard deviations of position errors for each axis (t, n, w) 
sig_errpos = diag(sqrt(cov_pvloc(1:3, 1:3))) // meters

4) More advanced use of covariance matrices

The objective is to evaluate the acquisition angular tolerance by a ground station after launch.

Only injection errors on semi-major axis and inclination ar supposed to have an sensitive impact.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Acquisition tolerance evaluation
// -----------------------------------------------
kep = kep0; 

// First propagate the orbit and compute visibility intervals 
[kep] = CL_ex_secularJ2(cjd0, kep0, cjd); 
[pos, vel] = CL_oe_kep2car(kep); 
posecf = CL_fr_convert("ECI", "ECF", cjd, pos, vel); 
intvisi = CL_ev_stationVisibility(cjd, posecf, sta, elevmin); 

// Consider beginning of intervals (potential acquisition dates) 
cjdv = intvisi(1,:); 
N = size(cjdv, "*"); 

// Compute impact of initial semi-major axis and inclination 
// on position perpendicular to line of sight

// Propagation
[kep, dkepdkep0] = CL_ex_secularJ2(cjd0, kep0, cjdv); 

// Cartesian coordinate (ECI then ECF)
[pos, vel, dpvdkep] = CL_oe_kep2car(kep); 
[posecf, velecf, dpvecfdpv] = CL_fr_convert("ECI", "ECF", cjdv, pos, vel); 

// Station local frame (Z axis = line of sight, X axis = local vertical) 
M = CL_rot_defFrameVec(posecf-repmat(psta,1,N), zsta, 3, 1); 

// Jacobian of transformation: (sma0, inc0) -> perpendicular position error
// => J: 2x2xN matrix
J = M(1:2,:,:) * dpvecfdpv(1:3,:,:) * dpvdkep * dkepdkep0(:,[1,3],:); 

// Assumed errors on initial sma and inc
covai = diag(([1.e3, CL_deg2rad(0.1)]).^2); 

// Covariance matrix on (x,y) perpendicular to line of sight
// Note: covai is duplicated N times (=> 2x2xN)
covacq = J * repmat(covai, [1,1,N]) * J'; 

// Show angular errors in degrees 
for k = 1 : N
  covang = ((covacq(1:2,1:2,k) ./ (CL_norm(posecf(:,k) - psta))^2)); 
  ang = atan(sqrt(max(real(spec(covang))))); 
  mprintf("%d: %f %f\n", k, cjdv(k) - cjd0, CL_rad2deg(ang));  

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